Monday, January 3, 2011

Winter Fun Photo Shoot

This one didn't make the cut...but I thought it was hilarious

I also forgot to post some cute pics that Nikki took of Emily last week. She wanted to try out a new spot and a few of her new ideas on a couple of the little ones in the family for practice purposes. Not too mention I think she just had cabin fever from being in on Winter Break and was ready to play with her camera a bit :) Unfortunately, she didnt get as much out of Emily as she hoped but the weather didnt play in our favor being 23 degrees! She was freezing! That's ok..I was pleased with what we got anyway!

1 comment:

The Maines Family Blog said...

Pretty shots of Miss Emily!!! You guys must of been out the same day that Bella and I were out...23 degrees but the wind was even colder!