Friday, September 3, 2010

Margarita Playdate :)

The Barmaids :)

Guess it was a success!

Yes, you read it right! I hosted a margarita playdate! It turned out that only two of us Mom's enjoyed the fresh fruit margaritas because one of the other Mom's is expecting....but not to worry ! I made Amber and all the kiddos an Apple Pie Smoothie to join in the fun. It was a beautiful afternoon that we were able to enjoy on my porch while the kiddos played out in the backyard and new sandbox. We had a mexican theme for lunch with mini chicken tacos, Amber's guacamole, Allison's homemade salsa, cookies, and chocolate dipped strawberries. Lots of yummy fun! Don't worry Amber..after the new Ranek kiddo is born we will have a re-do :) We were also excited to have my cousin's little girl Zoe' unexpectedly for the day. Zoe and Emily played outside from 10:00 a.m. till almost kidding!

1 comment:

The Maines Family Blog said...

They were YUMMY....thanks! I can't wait until March when we can do it again!