Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fall Bike Rides with Papaw Mike

After arriving home from the Park and running errands we found Papaw Mike just pulling up to our house to take Emily for a Fall bike ride. That is the joy of living a few streets over...easy to come and get them when you want them and then bring them right back home! She LOVES riding that bike and the special visits :)

Holliday Park Picnic & Play

Fallyn was calling this space mountain! LOL

Look at that cute little dirty face! What a cutie pie!

Today we decided "literally" at the last minute to meet up with our friends at Holliday Park for a blanket picnic and play. The kids had a blast running around playing and I actually felt like for once the Mom's got to sit down and talk yet still see our kiddos! LOL Thanks for inviting us..we will definately have to go back!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What's in the Garden?

Well it turns out with the drought going on here in Indy and Daddy not keeping up with the garden so well the last few weeks, that Emily's pumpkins didnt make it. Such a shame because they had beautiful vines and were flowering. She was really upset to find them dead and I vowed to over look them myself next year. I actually think they still planted them a few weeks too late.
Anyway......we did have a few tomatoes that made it and they were the tri-colored orange kind. When she saw them and picked them she was sure that it was a pumpkin! LOL Poor girl..we will go pick pumpkins soon!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Making Applesauce

Well we have to do something with all of these apples. So I decided for one thing that we would make some yummy applesauce in the crockpot. I LOVED the yummy smell going all thru my house this evening. Personally I thought it was great...but Emily didnt care for it much. She said it was too sweet! LOL

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Special Treats at Stuckeys

A special part to the trip was running into her good friend Bella with her family, grabbing a cider slushie, carmel apple with sprinkles, and then some pumpkin candy for the ride home! A great afternoon for Emily!

Stuckey Farms 2010

Here Mom...put it in my bag

Got to taste a few

Our pretty girl :)

Time to go weigh the apples...

We decided that since September is almost coming to a close that we better get over to Stuckey Farms to pick some apples. Emily loves going to the Orchard every year. So off we went! It turned out to be a little cooler than we thought out but still perfect picking day. It was fun watching her pick her apples so carefully this year compared to the years before. I guess that would be the change in age. Kind of makes me a little sad, but still awesome to get to watch her grow. Of course, her favorite was picking apples from Daddy's shoulders....

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Last Outdoor Swim of the Summer?

I am guessing this is the last swim of the Summer...yep definately of the Summer since Fall officially started yesterday :) Mamaw Fleta's pool is not scheduled to close until October though. So you never know if we will get another Fall day like today in the 90's for another swim??? Thanks for skipping work today Mamaw so we could catch some rays!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Go Colts!!

Even though we weren't going to the game, we were happy to cheer the Colts on for the big win! After everyone else headed downtown after dinner, we headed home and watched the late game. Well...atleast I did :)
Way to go Colts!!

Dylan's 1st Birthday Party

Digging in....


Time to say goodbye..

Before Mike,Emily, & I met my parents and Matthew @ Champps for dinner before the Colts game downtown.....we were able to get in 2 hours of Dylan's birthday party. It was a nice time sitting outside and watching the kiddos play on the swingset, bouncer, and even playing house in a big tent that Colton has been taking naps in! LOL
Dylan really enjoyed his baseball cake that his Aunt made him. Colton had one just like it for his first except it was a basketball.
Thanks for having us..we had a good time! Happy Birthday Dill Pickle!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Matthew Gets His Key

I am going to make this short and sweet or I will be typing and getting all weepy again! If this month hasn't already had enough marks a big one in our household. Matthew gets his key to his new apartment at Greystone @ Noblesville. He has decided with his new exciting job change that this would be the best for all of us with his new night time work hours. We wish him luck...but let's just say Mom and Emily are having a hard time adjusting :( Move out day is this Saturday....

On a positive note...Daddy is making Emily a "special" playroom to help her get over the hump of Matthew not residing in "his" room anymore :(

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Gray Road Park

Today was Dylan's "real" 1st Birthday and the Costers were actually heading over close to our house to play at the Park with the boys. They called us to see if we could join them and off we went. We haven't seen the boys since lastweek and were ready for a visit already! You would have thought Emily hadn't seen them in months. She was giddy the whole time running around playing with Colton. Totally warmed my heart watching them playing....
Happy Birthday Big Boy!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Bella's 4th Birthday Party

Birthday Girl!

Emily was a little unsure...

Loved the big slide after she gave it a chance

They all loved the bouncing....

We had a great time celebrating Bella's Party day with her at her gymnastics place. She had a cute Minnie Mouse theme with cupcakes, mickey mouse chicken nuggets, mickey mouse cheese, etc..
Emily was definitely a little shy about most of everything they were doing..but eventually warmed up and tried most things. I was proud of her today trying to overcome some of her fears :) Thanks for having us at your fun party...Happy Birthday Bella!