Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mutt Strut 2010

Waiting patiently to head out in her Drama Queen shirt

Getting wet..


She looks like a wet rat!

This years Mutt Strut was pretty much a wash out day! Mom & I still figured we would atleast go on out to the track and let Daisy Mae have her play day out and we could still check out all of the vendor booths that hand out tons of free samples and coupons. I even won a $20.00 off voucher for Daisy Mae's next groom at Best Friends! YAY! We left soak and wet and opted to not walk all around the track since we were wet enough after hitting all of the vendors but it was still a fun event and MANY people still came out for the day...rain or shine! This has to be our biggest fundraiser for the Indianapolis Humane Society ( they get $25.00 a walker). There are always tons of people and this was there sixth year and I swear it gets bigger every year the more dog lovers that hear about it. I can still remember the first walk and it has definitely tripled in size!
Great Day..but glad we chose not to take Emily afterall with Us since she totally would not have handled the cold rain well!

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