Thursday, April 29, 2010

Spring Sing

Heading over to school..

Lemonade and cookies afterwards

Friends are a wonderful thing!

Our Happy girl!

Tonight was Emily's first performance at her pre-school. The senior and jr pr-schoolers put on a little "Spring Sing" for the parents to come and watch. Emily's class sang three songs and then they sang three more with the other class. She did very well but of course she had Fallyn with her so that always helps! You would have never known that we were there or that she had Grandparents there because she hung out with the Ranek's and Fallyn's Nana afterwards! It is nice to see that she's coming out of some of that shyness!
Great job both are getting sooo big, too fast!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mutt Strut 2010

Waiting patiently to head out in her Drama Queen shirt

Getting wet..


She looks like a wet rat!

This years Mutt Strut was pretty much a wash out day! Mom & I still figured we would atleast go on out to the track and let Daisy Mae have her play day out and we could still check out all of the vendor booths that hand out tons of free samples and coupons. I even won a $20.00 off voucher for Daisy Mae's next groom at Best Friends! YAY! We left soak and wet and opted to not walk all around the track since we were wet enough after hitting all of the vendors but it was still a fun event and MANY people still came out for the day...rain or shine! This has to be our biggest fundraiser for the Indianapolis Humane Society ( they get $25.00 a walker). There are always tons of people and this was there sixth year and I swear it gets bigger every year the more dog lovers that hear about it. I can still remember the first walk and it has definitely tripled in size!
Great Day..but glad we chose not to take Emily afterall with Us since she totally would not have handled the cold rain well!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Mr. Potato Head

Meet Mr. Potato head! Emily made this little guy last week when they had Earth week. Ironically, on Earth Day (almost exactly a week later) he is growing his hair!! She has been sooo good with remembering to water him everynight before bed. She even forgot one night and started yelling for me to take her in and water him because she almost forgot! I think she is going to have the love of house plants just like her Dad. Poor girl is going to be upset when we have to throw him out because of the nasty smell of the potato soon! LOL

I think I will start looking now for something to replace it for when the time comes!

Friday, April 23, 2010

My Man..Sammy Kershaw!

My favorite all time country music singer...Sammy Kershaw was here tonight in concert at 8 Second Saloon. I love this man for many his songs, love the cheap tickets ($13.00), love that he sang our wedding song "You are the Love of My Life", and our memories together really go way back to him. Our first concert together 17 years ago was a free concert that Sammy put on at IRP. We have seen him many times since the first time (even in casinos)..ironically the last time was almost exactly 9 years ago in the very same place (8 Second Saloon) right before our wedding! Tonight we had stage seats. He touched my hand and gave me some beads..xoxoxo
We love you Sammy and we'll see you again! Thanks for always rekindling our love and memories of the past for us! We had a BLAST tonight!

Meet Elizabeth (The RealCare baby)

Tonight Stephanie came up to babysit Emily while Mommy & Daddy headed out to a concert. Along with Stephanie came her Realcare baby that was assigned to her this weekend from her parenting class at school. Emily was happy to help take care of "Elizabeth"! Too bad she wasn't the one up with her from 2:00-5:00 a.m. when she was crying off and on....VERY LOUDLY!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Clean Teeth....Dirty Teeth

Cleaned the teeth...then went to get them dirty!

Today was our second attempt to get a teeth cleaning and xrays at Dr. Michelle's. Emily did awesome this time until it came to the last 2 xrays in the back. She was not about to put that thing that you bite down on in the back of her mouth. So the visit was over! But she did awesome with the cleaning and the front x-rays. Honestly the teeth that I was worried about was the front two anyway. She does have some de-calcifying in between them but no cavaties as far as Dr. Michelle could tell without the last 2 x-rays!
But the Bad Mommy in me promised Dairy Queens chocolate ice cream with sprinkles if she let her clean her teeth. What was I thinking to go dirty the teeth right away today???

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hey Girls...No Sharing !!

Well I thought that when Emily had asked for seconds on spaghetti that she was eating very well tonight! Looks like she might have been having some help!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Lunch & Play @ Cool Creek Park

After the haircut...we headed over to Cool Creek Park with packed lunches and played until naptime! Nothing better than some fresh air on a beautiful day!

Time to get a haircut!

Playtime before cut while waiting our turn

All smiles while she watches her show

4 1/2 inches going....going


All Done!

It has only been 10 months since Emily had her very first trim that took the baby "V" off the back of her hair. In the meantime, she has grown quite alot of hair but its really looking too stringy for my taste and honestly it's getting really hard to do anything with besides one big ponytail. She has made comments about cutting some of I decided that's what we would do since Summer is approaching anyway! I had not really decided just how much until she was sitting in the chair....but 4 1/2 inches is what was decided!

She had a great time picking out her movie, sucker, and balloon at Cookie Cutters. Of course, it was extra special since she had Bella along with Us to share in the fun! No...we didn't cut Bella's hair but she would have! I was able to get her to settle for sitting in her own chair with her own movie too :-)
Plus the sucker & balloon at the end just like Emily = 2 happy girls!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Late Easter Celebration

The money egghunt begins....

No fair some of the eggs are camouflage

The Dad's trying to give some direction in the VERY large yard!

Relaxing and watching the kids

Now time to count up....

Since my parents were in Florida bringing home the RV on Easter weekend...we had a delayed Easter Celebration today. We also decided since it was awesome outside, we would forget about the traditional ham and go for ribs on the grill! They were yummy!
The kids always love hunting the money eggs at Mamaw & Papaw's. I like the fact that they can go buy something with their money instead of recieving more candy! Emily made out with sixteen dollars! It is all fair game because everyone has to find the same amount of eggs and then stop when they reached the number. So the younger ones get equal amount of opportunity. My cousins Angel's daughter was the "big" winner coming in with over forty dollars! Yes...the 2 sixteen year old girls still hunt eggs since they have money in them :)
It was a fun family day!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Zoo for the First Time this Season..with Friends!

Baby Dylan

Julia, Kalie, and Emily

Emily and Colton having a blast!

Mommy squeezed in a minute with my busy bee!

Time to play again!

Oh my..Look at that dolphin!

Tired little girl...

Today we met some friends at the Zoo since it was a beautiful day in the 80's. Its funny because the kids weren't really at all interested in the animals today as much as playing at the park, playing in the sprinklers, and of course, snacks and lunch! Oh well thats okay..we have plenty of time this Spring/Summer to go back and look at more of the animals. We were just too happy to be outside somewhere playing with friends! Not to mention the Zoo was PACKED!