Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Traders Point Free Play Area

Look at Charlie go!!!

We had a fun afternoon at Traders Point Christian Church with friends today. I packed us a lunch and we ate and played all the way till right before nap time. Here are a few pics from the fun day! Emily did great in the beginning trying out the jungle gym but scared herself when she couldn't get down! She then played the rest of the time on the lower level..silly girl!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Play-Off Game against the Ravens

This Ravens fan has his nerve..LOL

See how much beer gets spilled on the aisle folks? Not on me this time!!

This I know is a little much...but I had to share since he kept throwing it in my face! Sit down please!!

What can I say but this was an awesome game!! And oh what crazy fans today...on both sides!! I think the guy with the t-shirt eventually had it taken from him and of course the Ravens fans left unhappy...but hey I am all for cheering on your team no matter what.. so props to them! Luckily the beer didn't fall on top of my head for once. It amazes me how many people cant drink and walk upstairs. What a bummer to loose a $7.50 beer..LOL
We started out with dinner at Cheeseburger in Paradise for Matthew's 20th birthday and then headed downtown with my parents after! It was a late game so we had Kim keep Emily overnight and we had a designated driver..awesome! GO COLTS!!! WAY TO GO!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sophia's 3rd Birthday @ Incredible Pizza

Look at those girls licking the characters...we are ready for cake!

The doll Mamaw & Papaw got her...

The magic tea set we got her...

Air hockey...

Fun Rides...

Sophia had her 3rd Birthday party at Incredible Pizza in Greenwood today. We have never been there before but apparently had a great time since we stayed about 4 hours and skipped Emily's nap! There was a huge buffet and not just pizza. They also had a salad bar, taco bar, ice cream bar, etc...plenty of options for eating. Indoor go carts and big kid games also! Lots of fun for all ages! We hope you had a great 3rd Birthday Sophia...we love you!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Fun in the Snow

Building snow blocks

Following Matthew around to get the shovels..

Snow angel...

Lets sled down the little hill

Colton also enjoyed shoveling

Here we go......

My turn...

So far today was the "big" snow of the year. It also just happened to be Matthew's day off. He had fun taking Emily and Colton outside with him to play in the snow for a little while before he really got busy shoveling the sidewalk and driveway. It snowed sooo much that he actually went out twice to keep the snow from accumulating again.

Family Game Night

Emily's new favorite game that she always gets everybody involved in....Hi Ho Cherry O! Daisy Mae even wishes she could play! Great way to beat the winter blues......

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Dress-Up Fun....

Emily never ceases to crack us up with her own style.......

Monday, January 4, 2010

Sharing Our Gingerbread House

Monday when all the kids were here...we noticed that outside Mr. Squirrel was enjoying our gingerbread house that Mike left out for him. He also had a few friends with him but only one at a time came up to eat......