Sunday, March 1, 2009

Happy 13th Birthday Noah!

Today We went over to Jason & Nikki's to celebrate Noah's 13th Birthday. time flies! I remember waiting in the waiting room with my Mom the night he was born. As my brothers first born...and the first born in the family. He didn't stand much of a chance to not be sooo popular! He has turned out to be such a great a kid and I have loved to watch him grow!
Nikki made tortilla soup and we had yummy snacks and of course Emily's favorite..cake! It was fun watching her and Sophia interact today. They don't get to see each other often enough but you wouldn't have known it by watching them walk around holding hands and staying close by each other the whole time. I guess you just know who your family is no matter what.

We hope you had a Great Birthday..We Love You!

p.s Thanks boys for sharing the drums!

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