Monday, March 30, 2009

New Game...Pile Up!

I am not too sure what the girls like about doing this but it has become their new game. Colton doesn't ever seem to interested in getting in on the fun. They take turns on who goes on the bottom.....and giggle, giggle, giggle!

Happy 2nd Birthday Colton!

Colton celebrated his 2nd birthday this weekend with his family. Its hard to believe this is the little guy that I started watching at 5 months old!
I thought that between my birthday lastweek and his this past weekend that we would do large chocolate chip muffins instead of cake. To my surpise the kids really loved them. I was a little afraid they might be dissapointed to see that they weren't really cupcakes.
I think he enjoyed his new puzzle, bath set, and jumbo kite too!....Happy Birthday CoCo Puff!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Decorating For Easter

I decided that since Mike would be working on the bathroom most of the weekend again...Emily and I would get out our Easter decorations. Good time to make a mess since a mess is already going on! She had a blast helping. We even popped in the movie Peter Cottontail to get us in the mood. It was like she was seeing everything in the tote for the very first time. But..I guess in a way she was since she was younger the last two years and probably doesn't remember.....

Friday, March 27, 2009

Bathroom still in Progress

I have had several inquiries to see the bathroom progress. Here it is....still in process. Mike plans to work on it all weekend. The tile is taking forever....but looking good in the process!
Emily tries to help Daddy when ever possible!

Monon Center Concert

We were able to make it to another Wednesday concert this month at The Monon Center. It wasn't near as crowded and the girls seemed to have a great time with the hula hoops and balloons. I think Charlie even had a great time. Wow..what a GOOD baby he is! Thanks for inviting us Bella & Fallyn..sorry we couldn't make lunch. We do plan to go to Bub's Cafe someday....mmmmm, donut holes!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Birthday- Part 3 & 4

Okay so since my Step-Dad wasn't in Florida with us, he wanted to take all of us out for dinner on my birthday too! We went on Wednesday evening with them to Cheeseburger in Paradise with the kids. Sorry I didn't get pics because I forgot my camera.
My bigger surprise was when my babysitting kids came Thursday morning. They arranged flowers, cupcakes (that Allison & Bella made), and a $60.00 giftcard for The Woodhouse Day Spa for me. What a great day I will have at the Spa with the giftcards! Thanks a bunch from the bottom of my heart!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Birthday -Part 2

When Mike came home we headed out to Peterson's in Fishers for dinner. Matthew stayed home with Emily so we could have a nice dinner out alone. When we got home they surprised me with a Classic Cake, flowers, balloon, Woodwick candle, bracelet, and $100.00 giftcard for The Woodhouse Day Spa. It was a great Birthday! Maybe the boys missed me last week after all! LOL
The funny part...was that my husband doesn't know how old I am. He bought candles that said 39 instead of 38. Don't rush me!! Oh well I guess its one to grow on!

My Birthday-Part 1

Even though my Mom gave me my gifts in Florida and I feel like I have celebrated my Birthday all week long....Today is my actual birthday and my family wants to celebrate....

So, first Emily and I met up with my Mom for lunch and then we headed over to my Dads to spend some time with him. Emily had fun playing outside with him today. They went for a bike ride, played football, and she helped Papaw with the yard. I enjoyed sitting outside on the swing watching them.

Thanks for the gifts Dad & Cathy........and even more important, I enjoyed the one on one time today! It was a lovely afternoon!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Thanks Mamaw!!

Emily is giving a thumbs up to our wonderful trip. Thank You very much Mamaw for taking us!

Bye, Bye, RV (Our other home this week)

Emily playing on Mamaw's bed

Eating Breakfast

Emily watching t.v. while Mamaw plays on the computer

Here are a few pics that were taken inside our "home" this week. It has been a really fun trip but its time to say Good-Bye!!! See You next year!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Message To Daddy

Farewell Dinner @ The Hut

Silly Emily

Emily's first Pina Colada

Oh My...a chocolate Valcano for dessert!

After a nice relaxing day....we needed one more nice dinner out. Bev came by and we all headed out to The Hut. These are the only pics that we have of all 3 of us in them together. It was a great farewell dinner..even if I am paying for the asian salmon and a piece of the valcano now!

Ahhh...Florida Naps

This is the only way my poor daughter has taken a nap the past week. She flat out refuses to sleep in the rv thru the day. Naps have ranged anywhere from 20 mintes to 50 minutes in one day.
After the pool we ran a small errand so she could get a few winks in!

Pool in the Afternoon

After lunch we took Emily up to the clubhouse to swim at the pool. I thought that since she wasn't to fuzzy about the ocean the either day that she just might not like it this year. usual I was wrong. She loved it!

Emily's" Not So" Florida Friends

My daughter whom I might add is very afraid of any bug...has not found these little guys to be very amusing. Unfortunately for her they are everywhere down here. Poor girl will probably be looking for them at home now!