Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Sophia!!!

Sophia ready to dig in....

Emily & Papaw Mike waiting on her cupcake

Dakota, Ava, and Sophia

Messy Girls.....

Mamaw Cathy trying to wrangle the girls for a pic!

Today is my beautiful little niece Sophia's Birthday. We joined them in Greenwood at BouncerTown for her party. All the little girls in the family were able to make it and Olivia had Kylie with her and that helped tremendously with helping the little girls down the slides. Emily was pretty much attached to one of their hips all night. Dakota amazed me that she was going up and down that 25 foot slide by herself and wanted no help!!! Boy was she tired when she hit the car....asleep not long after leaving the parking lot.
I was pleasantly surprised that they also had an area for toddlers. No kids over 3 years old were aloud in this area. The kids played games , ate pizza and cupcakes, and played some more on the slides!! Thanks for having us Ryan & Brandi!!! Happy Birthday Sophia, We love you!!!

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