Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Panda Gets a New Outfit

Two weekends ago....we were so bored and tired of being cooped up because of the cold weather temps that we headed out to the Mall with Daddy to eat lunch and play inside. We started off with the kids playzone and ended up eating at TGI Fridays because Mcdonalds had the longest line ever and I forgot that Chic Fil A is not open on Sundays!

Of course since we were at the mall we checked out build-a-bear. Emily decided that Panda needed a new outfit since she was still wearing her Christmas dress at home. She was soooo cute walking around trying to decide on what she wanted to buy her. She didn't even ask one time to make another animal but stayed focused on her "Panda" that was waiting for her at home. She picked out a cute princess t-shirt and crocs (imagine that). Mommy helped pick out the pink jeans...but Emily had to have that weird headband! Oh well...it is "her' imagination and I am finding it extremely fun to watch it unfold.........she couldn't wait to get home and dress her!

We hope you like your new outfit Panda!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy 19th Birthday Matthew!!!

Well it's official...If we didn't feel old lastyear when he turned 18, We do this year! I don't know what the difference is but I can't believe this child that had just turned 3 two weeks before my first date with his Dad is now 19. It has been a pleasure raising him and we are proud of the young man he has become but the time has just gone way to fast!!!!
Happy Birthday Matthew!!!! Now just slow them down for us!!! We hope you enjoyed your "Snow Day" off, dinner, and your classic cake! We Love You!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Lazy Cold Snow Day

Today was Colton's 3rd day being here this week. As you can tell we had a lazy day with the kiddos in p.j's all day. They enjoyed playdoh and puzzles but no matter what I did to occupy them....... towards the end of the day....they were climbing the walls or shall I say the furniture. LOL

I've got to say.....by this time this week and this many cold days inside in a row...I was ready to join them!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Mommy's Big Girl....

Caught with her hair down. LOL

No pics please......

Okay maybe just one........

Emily is looking like such a big girl these days. Kinda makes my heart sad.......but she says she is still "MY" big girl!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

More Pics from BouncerTown

Emily playing games

Dakota going down the slide by herself

Emily going up and down the slide with Olivia

Fun, fun, fun

The girls playing in the toddler section

Emily with Kylie

Happy 2nd Birthday Sophia!!!

Sophia ready to dig in....

Emily & Papaw Mike waiting on her cupcake

Dakota, Ava, and Sophia

Messy Girls.....

Mamaw Cathy trying to wrangle the girls for a pic!

Today is my beautiful little niece Sophia's Birthday. We joined them in Greenwood at BouncerTown for her party. All the little girls in the family were able to make it and Olivia had Kylie with her and that helped tremendously with helping the little girls down the slides. Emily was pretty much attached to one of their hips all night. Dakota amazed me that she was going up and down that 25 foot slide by herself and wanted no help!!! Boy was she tired when she hit the car....asleep not long after leaving the parking lot.
I was pleasantly surprised that they also had an area for toddlers. No kids over 3 years old were aloud in this area. The kids played games , ate pizza and cupcakes, and played some more on the slides!! Thanks for having us Ryan & Brandi!!! Happy Birthday Sophia, We love you!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Too Cute For the Snow......

I thought it was a pretty day outside with the snow sprinkles...so we dressed in Mommy's favorite coat and hat and headed out. Okay...so she didn't get to go out and play in the snow in her dress up coat and new croc boots but we really did leave the house today and enjoy the snow. First we met up with Jolie and Kalie at the library for The Shake, Rattle, and Read program. I just love driving around town when it snows like this and doesn't stick to the ground, so we even made a few more stops on the way home before nap. I did have to share the pics so Mamaw Fleta in Florida could see her new boots on her..........