Monday, June 30, 2008

Sleepy Girls

It is not too often I can catch these two still at the same time..much less almost asleep! This will be the last time anyone gets to see Emily with her binky in her mouth. She is now only aloud to have it in the crib/or pack in play and NO WHERE else. The first few days were rough but its going very well now! She doesn't even ask......

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pool Party for Dallas and Luke's Birthday

Mamaw Fleta & Papaw Jeff hosted Dallas and Luke's Birthday party poolside. Both boys share the same Birthday on June 29th. Dallas turned 6 and Luke turned 8. It was a fun day with burgers on the grill, swimming, and a friendly family game of baseball. Of course, the Sponge Bob cake was a hit with Emily. This was the first time Emily was able to get into the pool and submerge her head in water after her surgery. Happy Birthday Boys!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Thank You to All !!!!!

Thank you all for celebrating Emily's 2nd Birthday with us...whether you were at the party or we celebrated privately with you, it was greatly appreciated the love that you all show for our babygirl! A special thanks as always to her grandparents that always pitch in a hand to help out!!! We can't wait for the next party!!

Pinata & Backyard Fun....

The day continued with the kids playing in the water table, riding bikes, wagon rides, shooting hoops, making bubbles with the bubble maker, ring around the rosey with Mamaw Cathy, etc. The smaller kids got Elmo coloring books and sippy cups while the bigger kids enjoyed the candy from the Elmo pinata...........

The Cake......

Of course anyone that knows Emily..knows that this is her favorite part of any Birthday party. Cake of any kind is her favorite all time food. She had to have a yellow cupcake and a red one. Mommy and Daddy weren't as thrilled with all of the red icing. LOL The cupcake cake had 30 cupcakes in it. It turned out to be plenty after all....Thanks to Daddy we also had ice cream cups!

The Presents......

Since we had a big crowd...Emily had tons of gifts to open. Half way thru she was getting over it so Kalie and a few others helped us out. She got everything from a bubble blower, clothes, dishes and food for her kitchen, grocery cart, new babies, purse with jewelry, her own suitcase, beach towels, beach chair, and many more things. Matthew also gave her his gift Elmo bike. Thank you all for all of the wonderful gifts and thank you again Mamaw Fleta and Papaw Jeff for the wagon she got early.

Emily's Elmo Birthday Party

The big day is here...time to have the Elmo themed Birthday party. We started setting up the yard and Emily was patiently awaiting her guests arrival..... We ordered the Elmo cupcake cake from Sam's club and I bought the pinata, yard sign, balloons, and other party items on line. I made a few appetizers, Mamaw Cathy made a big pasta salad, Mamaw Fleta made a big cheese/cracker/sausage tray, Donna made her famous ham-pickle roll-ups, and the rest was compliments of Mommy buying the food trays at the store! We had nice weather for outside except it was still a little chilly for the sprinkler we bought for the party. There was a possibilty of rain so we set up the tents anyway. Lots of family and friends were able to make the party including Mike's aunt Fern whom was in from Florida for the week. It was a great day for Emily!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Gifts From Mommy & Daddy

Mike and I decided that with the craziness a large party brings, we would give Emily her gifts on her actual Birthday after Chuckie Cheese. We got her a Tickle Me Elmo, Elmo's world Birthday DVD, Elmo swimsuit, and a play kitchen. After she opened her gifts we enjoyed a small Ding Dong cake (from Marsh) that is always a hit around here with the chocolate lovers! After all what is a birthday without cake....Happy 2nd Birthday Babygirl, what a big day with even more to come!

Chuck "E" Cheese Please!

Today-Friday, June 20th was Emily's real Birthday and she wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese for dinner. We had a fun evening with Mamaw Fleta, Papaw Jeff, and cousin Makenzie. Matthew also drove down after getting off of work to spend some time with his sister before he went to a going away party with friends. We wanted to spend some alone time with Emily for her Birthday because we knew that the party in 2 days was going to be a little crazy. LOL

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Emily is Turning 2!

The week of Emily's Birthday was full of alot of different celebrations with everyone. I baked Elmo cupcakes for her friends at Miss Stephanie's and for my babysitting kids. Almost every other day leading up to her big day and afterward she was eating cake and opening gifts. What a fun week it was for her! We also enjoyed going to the park and having Colton for a day again. Here are a few pics of her with my other sweet babies...Colton, Bella, and Fallyn. We are extremely blessed to have these other little ones in Emily's life they are her best friends..... along with Daisy Mae & cousin Kalie of course!